We all love to enjoy our favorite movies and shows with others. Stories are such a beautiful way to connect with others and make new memories. In our COVID-hammered world, many of us are losing the ability to share experiences like this with others.

It's no fun to want to share watching your favorite shows or movies with your friends and be unable to do that. Crowdwatching solves that.

At Crowdwatch, we love to use what we love to watch to connect us to each other: whether that's making new friends for the first time, or making new memories with life-long friends. Better yet, watching becomes an interactive experience, so you get to make new memories with people, whether in the same room together, or a thousand miles away.

Crowdwatching: You've never experienced your favorite movies like this!
How it Works

Crowdwatching is different than normal watching in that it is:


We link together our phones and our screens, which gives us each a gateway to interact with the group as we watch. Chat with each other and express yourself by animating emojis on the screen as well! It really changes the experience, and people love it!

Chats & emojis shared:


Crowdwatching isn't just about who is in the room with you; it's about being linked together with people all over who are sharing the experience as well. We all love to share our favorite shows and movies with others, and Crowdwatching makes it possible to do that with our treasured friends and family, as well as make new friends too. Everyone is watching sychronized, so we're all sharing the same experience together.

Sound different? It really is; it's a unique, different, fun, social watching experience that's kind of hard to describe what it's like. You just have to experience it for yourself, which is what we're all about. That's why we make Crowdwatching open and available to everyone. We want to spread the magic to everyone, particularly in this straining COVID season where we're all feeling low on fun and interaction with others.